ERPsim On-Demand Gameplay: What to Know Beforehand
Distribution/Sustainability Scenario
After your simulation session starts you’ll have up to 2 hours to play the competitive simulation and to explore within the live ERPsim S/4HANA session.

On-Demand Multi-Player Guidance & Recommendations
Pre-Play Setup/Starting The Session
Set up a Teams, Zoom, Google Meet or other online meeting for you and your colleagues to use at the same time as your scheduled On-Demand session to communicate with each other via video, audio and/or chat messaging.
Player 1 is the “leader” of the simulation game. Players 2-4 will receive an email to join the simulation after Player 1 has entered the session on their computer.
After the simulation game is loaded on your browser for a player there is an Introduction Video to summarize what to expect. Starting, pausing or closing this video only does so on a specific player’s browser window. The Introduction Video is available to watch on this webpage also if you or other players would like to watch it before your scheduled session.
Game Duration & Pace
The Distribution/Sustainability scenario simulation competitive game time is 15 to 45 minutes. There are three sections/rounds of game time of 5 to 15 minutes, based on the pace set by Player 1 in the simulation settings controller. The competitive simulation may be paused and the pace may be changed anytime during the On-Demand session by Player 1.
Roles & Bot Assistance
Player 1 decides which roles (sales, marketing, procurement) will be played by the human team. In Round 1 of the game, the human team is set up to play the sales role, with bots taking care of the marketing and procurement roles for your human team.
Player 1 may change which roles are managed by the human team before the start of the game or before the beginning of any game round. If you want to change a role during a round, Player 1 must pause the game, make the desired role change and then resume the game.
When a bot is assisting the human team specific recommendations are sent to a notification window, which are sent to all players simultaneously. Given that you’re playing as a team, any player may accept or reject a bot recommendation (e.g. changing a price, changing MRP quantities, etc.) When you accept a bot’s recommendation, the system will automatically apply the latest real-time bot recommendation.
Role Videos & Tutorials
The simulation session includes videos for players to “watch” Kira, the virtual session facilitator, play the Sales, Marketing and/or Procurement roles. These videos are available to watch on this webpage also if you or other players would like to have an understanding of any of these roles in game play before your session.

Conversational AI Kira