Software language localization reinvented
DAS Language Localizer helps you go global without breaking the bank
Baton’s DAS Language Localizer simplifies language localization of web-based enterprise software, eliminates language barriers, and accelerates adoption across international markets and organizations.
DAS Language Localizer is a real-time translation management solution for web-based software applications that makes them language accessible to users in multiple locations, quickly and with minimal effort. Whether you’re a software manufacturer localizing your products or an end-user organization rolling out software to global teams, DAS Language Localizer is indispensable for maximizing project ROI.
Grow your team globally while complying with local government’s language requirements for each geographical unit. Offer people the possibility to work and access your business in languages not supported by default, including RTL languages like Arabic.
Go to market faster
DAS Language Localizer enables you to quickly and easily translate your web-based software, independent of its code, into local languages, accelerating new product introduction or software implementation and rollout worldwide.
Halve translation costs
DAS Language Localizer uses AI to reduce the cost of translation and translation management. Also, it automatically displays the local language in a user’s web browser without requiring you to change your code, eliminating the need for additional IT resources in language localization.
Switching to a language that is written from Right-to-Left direction like Arabic, Hebrew etc. automatically flips all the content from right to left while translating the words into the corresponding language. Got pictures that go along with text? DAS-LL takes care of text-picture alignment too.
Get started in minutes by installing web-browser extension and entering the license key provided by Baton after subscription. The extension also allows you to switch between languages and renders your web-app user-interface immediately with proper image-text alignment & right-to-left orientation.
The In-App Translation Dictionary is a compilation of all terms in source and target languages, along with tools to remediate the limitations coming from automatic translation engines. With an update or upgrade of your software, the Translation Memory remains intact and could be restored easily.
Quickly add or edit translation of terms that you see on-screen, in real-time, without having to go via Text Dictionary. This allows a visual scanning to make sure no term is left behind untranslated.
How it works
DAS Language Localizer works at the web-browser level, independent of your software code.
- To implement it, choose from several basic and advanced translation engines, plus options for account setup and product configuration.
- Integration can be via customer-side server-side embeddable string or customer-side reverse proxy.
- To create the source-language repository, the customer resource (administrator) responsible for the translation ensures that all on-screen content (including help text) is captured in translation memory, and then simply reviews changes when software is updated or upgraded. Note that images and video are not captured by DAS Language Localizer.
Spending too much on software language localization?
Baton can help. Contact us for a free needs assessment.
Pricing Model
DAS Language Localizer is priced on a simple ‘per user per year’ model, with volume discounts in case of a high number of users.
Pricing Elements
1) Annual Subscription Fees payable upon contract signing and or annual renewal starting at $140 USD /named user/year.
2) Volume discounts for purchases greater than 5,000 named users are available upon request.
3) One-Time Application Platform specific activation and end-user on-boarding are subject an additional USD fee at time of initial purchase.
4) Professional Services fees are USD $240/hour on a time and materials basis.
All Pricing Editions Include…
Free Trial Edition with 3 users to experience how language localization can benefit you.
Tiered Pricing to help you find the best plan according to the numbers of named users.
Additional requirements like feature requests are accommodated as charged Professional Services.
Also available within DAS
DAS Language Localizer is also available within DAS, Baton’s solution for maintaining momentum for digital transformation and accelerating adoption of enterprise software. DAS wows users and smooths the road to success, thanks to a wide range of powerful content authoring, performance support, and collaboration capabilities.